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SUNPRO INSTRUMENTS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. is professionally managed manufacturing & marketing firm For Industrial / Agricultural Electronic process control Instruments started in 1993 with three Partners well established in Technical & Techno Commercial field.
Initially manufacturing potentiometer chart. Recorders yearly about 100. Now manufacturing More than 350Nos per year with diversification of products like Humidity Transducer & Pressure Transducers full set up of production, Quality Assurance, R & D & manufacturing under one roof For better service.
Reputed customers are manufacturer of Blood Bank refrigerator, foundry, sugar factories, heat Treatment people, Agriculture, Meteorology application and many more Industries application About 90% industries require our products for variety of applications. We put forward Technical details of our Product Ranges.
Mr. Ganesh Warade, an Electronic Engineer by profession always had a dream of starting his own business in Instrumentation field. To pursue the dream, he left the job and started with the new venture Sunpro Instruments India Pvt Ltd in the year 1992 at a very tender age. He started with manufacturing Strip Chart Recorders and then on the same path, Circular Chart Recorders.
This business has now reached new levels and now regularly export the products in all continents. Starting with a single product and gradually treading the path of success, Sunpro Instruments India Pvt Ltd has a wide range of products in its stable. He has worked very hard for gaining new peaks. With an experience of more than 30 years, his prosperity will continue to scale new heights.
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Plot No. 585, B7, Kumar Ashiyana, Panmala, Sinhagad Road,
Pune - 411 030, Maharashtra, India
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